Monday, December 27, 2010

Wedding Shoes

Wedding shoes really complete the look of your wedding party. However, like there is no one dress that will compliment every body type, there is no one shoe that will fit every foot properly. When you are putting
 together the outfits for your bridesmaids and groomsmen you need to take several things into consideration when picking out the shoes for your wedding party.

Special Considerations

The first thing that you will need to figure out when buying wedding shoes is if there are any concerns or issues that you will need to deal with when selecting a shoe style. For example, you may have a person in your wedding party that has a wide foot, or that needs a shoe that will accommodate an orthopedic insert. These are the things that you will need to flesh out when you talk with your wedding party about their participation in your wedding.

Selecting a Wedding Shoe Style

The next step will be to select a wedding shoe style that is going to work for everyone. This doesn't mean that you have to use the exact same shoe for each bridesmaid or for each groomsman. It just means that the shoes should superficially look similar. For example, they should have the same basic color and outward design flourishes.

When selecting a wedding shoe style you will need to look for a shoe or for shoes that fit in with the overall look of your wedding. For example, if you are throwing a beach wedding then you will want to look for sandals or other casual style shoes. On the other hand, if you are throwing a very formal wedding then you will need to look for a very formal wedding shoe style.

When to Order?

It is important to get your wedding shoes ordered or purchased as soon as possible. This is particularly important if you have to special order in shoes for your wedding party, or if you will need to dye your shoes to match the wedding outfits that you have selected for your wedding party. Generally, you will want your wedding party to have their shoes and outfits ordered and in their possession at least one month in advance of your wedding. This will ensure if there is a problem or mistake with the order that it can be corrected before your wedding day. It also give your wedding party time to break their shoes in slightly before having to wear them on your big day.

Compiled from:
Eisia Sebastian


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